Affordable Art Fair – Amsterdam
Van 27-31 oktober staat Galerie Waarkunst met nieuw werk op de kunstbeurs in Amsterdam.
Ik maakte twee nieuwe mozaïeken (portretten) met de titel ‘Lust for life’ en ‘A contented mind’.
“In October 2021, Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam will be back with its 15th anniversary edition. Treat yourself to an artistic adventure with 1000s of contemporary artworks from over 65 local, national and international galleries. You’ll be welcomed by our friendly team, along with galleries, artists and other guests to enjoy the exciting range of artworks on show.”

“Lust for Life” – 100x80cm, kinderboekenkaft op paneel, 2021.

“A contented mind” – 100x80cm, kinderboekenkaft op paneel, 2021.